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1 羅宋湯 1 羅宋湯
1 羅宋湯
1 Russian BorschtCome with Bun


2 周打蜆湯 2 周打蜆湯
2 周打蜆湯
2 Clam Chowder
Come with Bun


3 周打魚湯 3 周打魚湯
3 周打魚湯
3 Fish Chowder 
Come with Bun


4 雞茸忌廉湯 4 雞茸忌廉湯
4 雞茸忌廉湯
4 Cream of Chicken 
Come with Bun


5 粟米忌廉湯 5 粟米忌廉湯
5 粟米忌廉湯
5 Cream of Corn 
Come with Bun


6 蘑菇忌廉湯 6 蘑菇忌廉湯
6 蘑菇忌廉湯
6 Cream of Mushroom 
Come with Bun
